一般申し込み用画面(9名以内でお申し込みの方)Groups of 9 People or Fewer

キャンパスツアーについてのお知らせAnnouncement about campus tours


We are holding online tours and in person tours where we will show campus buildings and talk about university life in general.


You can apply for a tour starting from about one month in advance. Please feel free to apply.


The Campus Tour (in-person) is an approximately 2-hour outdoor walking tour. The tour will not go inside any campus buildings.


The tour may be switched from in-person to online depending on weather conditions.

キャンパスツアーに際してのお願いPreparing for the tour



Please contact us if you cannot join our campus tour.


You will be walking outside for more than an hour, so please wear comfortable clothes. Also. please bring something to drink if you need it.


Please do not post personal information, such as the name of the guide or photographs of the guide or other participants, on the Internet or in magazines without permission.


オンラインツアーはZOOMを使用します。ZOOMの使用ができることを予めご確認ください。 スクリーンショットや画面を撮影し、SNS等で配信することはご遠慮ください。

The online tours use ZOOM. Please confirm beforehand that you can use ZOOM. Please refrain from taking screenshots or pictures of the tour, as well as posting it or streaming it to social media or elsewhere.

実施日Tour Days



Saturdays and Sundays (except at the beginning and the end of the year and days that class is not in session, such as the entrance examination period)


Due to various circumstances, there may be other days when campus tours are not held.


We usually still conduct in person tours when it rains, but we cancel them when a weather warning is in effect.


10:00~12:00, 14:00~16:00


Please see the “Currently Available Campus Tours” section for information on tour times and types (in person or online).

参加対象者Who Can Participate


Anyone interested in the University of Tokyo can participate in the tour.

参加申込方法How to Reserve a Tour



You can make a reservation by filling out the form below.

参加申込期間When to Make Reservations


You can reserve tours a month in advance on a first-come, first-served basis.

例)9月 5日10:00開催のキャンパスツアー⇒8月 5日0:00に募集開始,


Example: If you want to participate in the campus tour on September 5th at 10:00, you can reserve a tour starting from August 5th at 0:00.

定員Maximum Number of Participants


Please look at the number listed under “Maximum” in the "Currently Available Campus Tours" table below.

参加費Cost of Participation

無料 Free

主な見所Main Sights Covered During the Tour



Akamon Gate, Yasuda Auditorium, Sanshiro Pond, General Library, and others. Please check the Introduction of the Tour Course page for more information.


The tour will not go inside any campus buildings.

集合Meeting Place

(対面ツアーの場合 in person tours)


Please arrive and gather in front of Akamon Gate (on the campus side) 10 minutes before the tour is scheduled to begin.


For information on how to access the University, please look at this map.

(オンラインツアーの場合 online tours)

当日は伝えられたZOOM のアクセス先にツアー開始10 分前に入室してください(10分前から入室可能となります)。

Please be ready to enter the ZOOM meeting at the link provided on the day of the tour, 10 minutes before the tour is scheduled to begin.

申し込み後の変更についてChanging or Cancelling Your Reservation


If you want to cancel your reservation, please go to the “Cancel” page below.




キャンパスツアー事務局: tourguide"at"campustour.pr.u-tokyo.ac.jp("at"を@に置換してください)

If the number of participants changes, please contact the office in advance.

Campus Tour Office: tourguide"at"campustour.pr.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Please replace "at" with @.)

現在募集中のキャンパスツアーCurrently Available Campus Tours




Tours that are currently accepting participants are listed as "Yes" in the right-hand column below. You can reserve space(s) in any of these tours by clicking "Yes."

Tours that are no longer accepting participants are marked "No," and you cannot make reservations for them. However, if there is a cancellation for one of these tours, the listing will automatically change to "Yes," enabling you to make a reservation for the tour.

ツアータイトル 残数(定員) 申込状況
2025年 1月25日(土)10:00~12:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 1(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 1月25日(土)14:00~16:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 16(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 1月26日(日)10:00~12:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 1(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 1月26日(日)14:00~16:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 1(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 2月 1日(土)14:00~16:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 14(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 2月 2日(日)10:00~12:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 7(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 2月 2日(日)14:00~16:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 20(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 2月 8日(土)10:00~12:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 14(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 2月 8日(土)14:00~16:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 20(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 2月 9日(日)10:00~12:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 13(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 2月15日(土)10:00~12:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 20(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 2月15日(土)14:00~16:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 19(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 2月16日(日)10:00~12:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 14(20)  申し込みする(Yes)
2025年 2月16日(日)14:00~16:00【対面ツアー/In-person tour・Japanese only】 20(20)  申し込みする(Yes)

今後のツアー実施予定Future tour schedule